
The Erosion of Salvation by the Prosperity Gospel: A Distorted Message

The Erosion of Salvation by the Prosperity Gospel: A Distorted Message

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” – 1 Timothy 1:15 (ESV)

The message of Christianity is rooted in the marvelous truth that Jesus Christ came into the world to offer salvation to sinners, not to guarantee worldly success or material prosperity. This essential aspect of the Christian faith often gets misunderstood in the context of modern-day interpretations of Christianity that place an undue emphasis on success, wealth, and prosperity. In recent years, the rise of the prosperity gospel has seen the message of salvation become overshadowed and, in some cases, even replaced by the pursuit of material wealth and worldly success.

1 Timothy 1:15 (NIV) states, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” This week, we shall explore the depth and significance of this verse, analyzing its context, key themes, and implications for the Christian  faith.

  1. Context and Background:

To fully grasp the meaning of 1 Timothy 1:15, it is essential to understand its context. The first epistle to Timothy is one of the pastoral letters written by the Apostle Paul. It was written to Timothy, a young leader in the early Christian church, and contains guidance and instructions for church leadership and the Christian community. In the preceding verses, Paul addresses issues related to false teaching and the law, emphasizing the importance of sound doctrine and moral living.

  1. Christ’s Primary Mission:

At the heart of the Christian faith is the understanding that Jesus Christ’s primary mission was to reconcile humanity with God. The Bible is clear in its message that all human beings are born with a sinful nature (Romans 3:23) and are in need of salvation. Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross and His resurrection were the means through which God provided redemption and reconciliation with Himself. Jesus Himself stated in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost,” underscoring His mission to save sinners.

  1. The Nature of Worldly Success:

Worldly success, often defined by financial prosperity, fame, and material possessions, is not the ultimate goal of Christianity. While these achievements are not inherently wrong, they should not be confused with the core purpose of the Christian faith. The Bible reminds us in Matthew 6:19-21 that earthly treasures are temporary and that true success is found in storing up treasures in heaven through a relationship with God and righteous living.

  1. The Prosperity Gospel Cancer:

In recent years, a heresy known as the “prosperity gospel” has gained prominence, which wrongly teaches that faith in God guarantees worldly success and financial wealth. This heresy promotes the idea that faith in God guarantees financial prosperity, health, and success in every aspect of life. The prosperity gospel has gained popularity through the teachings of some prominent preachers and televangelists who have promised miraculous blessings to those who sow “seed money” into their ministries. This ideology deviates from the biblical message and can lead believers astray by placing emphasis on material gain and personal success.

The most significant distortion caused by the prosperity gospel is the misplacement of emphasis. Instead of focusing on salvation from sin and the transformation of hearts through faith in Jesus Christ, the prosperity gospel shifts the spotlight to worldly gain. Followers are encouraged to seek financial prosperity as a sign of God’s favour, rather than seeking a personal relationship with God based on repentance, grace, and redemption.

  1. Spiritual Success and Transformation:

While the Bible does not promise material wealth or worldly success, it does offer the promise of spiritual transformation, inner peace, and eternal life. Christ’s mission to save sinners is primarily concerned with reconciling us with God and transforming our hearts and lives. This spiritual success is immeasurably more valuable than any temporal achievements.


The core message of Christianity, as exemplified by 1 Timothy 1:15, is that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. While worldly success may come to some and is not inherently wrong, it should not be the primary focus of the Christian faith. The essence of Christianity is found in the transformation of the heart, reconciliation with God, and the pursuit of eternal life. Christians are called to live in obedience to God’s will, to love one another, and to share the message of salvation with the world. In doing so, they fulfill Christ’s true mission and find fulfillment in spiritual success, even if it does not align with the world’s standards of success.


About Thru’ The Bible

About Thru’ The Bible

Thru' The Bible

“The more you read the Bible, the more it reads you.”

“In the pages of the Bible, we find strength, hope, and guidance.”

In the spirit of spiritual enrichment and scriptural exploration, Bible Call is embarking on a momentous journey, one that is set to span the entire year of 2024. We are proud to introduce the “Thru’ The Bible” initiative, an ambitious and transformative undertaking that will guide us through the pages of the Holy Bible, from the book of Genesis to the grand culmination in the book of Revelation.

Indepth Study

As we prepare to embark on this enlightening odyssey, we are reminded of the profound importance of this timeless text in the lives of believers. The Bible, a repository of wisdom, faith, and guidance, has, for millennia, been a source of inspiration and solace for individuals seeking a deeper connection with their faith and spirituality.

Throughout the course of the year, participants in the “Thru’ The Bible” initiative will engage in a systematic and dedicated exploration of the scriptures. Each week, a carefully selected scripture text will serve as a focal point, guiding us through the unfolding narrative and teachings of the Bible. From the creation story in Genesis to the apocalyptic visions in Revelation, we will traverse the vast spectrum of biblical wisdom.

Our Journal

This journey is not merely a passive reading exercise; it is an immersive and participatory experience. To aid in comprehension and reflection, we have developed a specially designed one-page journal, the “Thru’ The Bible Journal.” Here, you will find resources to assist in your understanding and engagement with the scriptures. Each week, readers will read a scripture text, be provided with a description of its context, and engage with comprehensive questions that aid in mastering the passage.

Whatsapp Group

We believe that this initiative will foster a deep sense of community and shared spiritual growth as we embark on this collective endeavour. The “Thru’ The Bible” journey is an invitation to engage with the Word of God in a profound and meaningful way, to gain insights, and to chart a path towards spiritual enlightenment. Through the Thru’ The Bible Whatsapp group, you will have an opportunity to connect with others who share this profound reverence for the Bible and its teachings.

What to Expect

As we prepare to delve into the pages of the Bible, we do so with great anticipation and a sense of reverence. The year 2024 promises to be a year of deep spiritual growth, reflection, and revelation. Together, we will embrace the wisdom of the ages and draw inspiration from the timeless stories and teachings that have shaped the lives of countless believers.

The “Thru’ The Bible” initiative is an opportunity to journey through the sacred text, one section at a time, and to find a profound sense of meaning and purpose in the process. We invite you to join us on this transformative expedition, as together we traverse the landscape of the Bible and discover the profound lessons it has to offer.


The Tragic Tale of Ravi Zacharias

The Tragic Tale of Ravi Zacharias

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So, you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” – Matthew 23:27-28 (ESV)

The tragic tale of Ravi Zacharias is a cautionary narrative that serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of sin and the potential for hypocrisy even within those revered as moral and spiritual leaders. Ravi Zacharias, a prominent Christian apologist and speaker, was once celebrated for his eloquence, intellect, and influence in the world of Christian apologetics. However, his life and legacy took a dark turn when allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse came to light, casting a shadow over his previously untarnished reputation. This week we explore the rise and fall of Ravi Zacharias, shedding light on the lessons to be drawn from this heart-wrenching tale.

The Rise of Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias was born in Chennai, India, in 1946 and raised in a Christian household. His journey to becoming a globally renowned Christian apologist was sparked by a profound conversion experience during his teenage years. This experience set the stage for his lifelong commitment to spreading the Christian faith. Zacharias immigrated to Canada and later to the United States, where he founded Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) in 1984. Over the years, he gained prominence as a gifted communicator and thinker in the field of Christian apologetics. His charisma, eloquence, and intellectual prowess made him a sought-after speaker on college campuses, in churches, and at high-profile events.

The Fall of Ravi Zacharias

Despite Zacharias’s seemingly unimpeachable reputation and his extensive following, allegations of sexual misconduct began to emerge in 2017. A series of investigations by Christianity Today and other media outlets revealed a pattern of inappropriate behaviour, including allegations of sexting, spiritual abuse, and sexual exploitation of massage therapists at a spa he co-owned. In August 2020, Zacharias was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and passed away later that same year.

In the wake of his death, a more extensive investigation was launched by RZIM, revealing a shocking and widespread pattern of sexual misconduct and abuse. The findings confirmed the allegations and exposed a darker side to Ravi Zacharias that was deeply at odds with his public persona. The scandal sent shockwaves throughout the Christian community and beyond.

Lessons to Be Learned

The tragic tale of Ravi Zacharias underscores several important lessons:

  1. Hypocrisy: It is possible for individuals to have extensive intellectual knowledge of the Bible, theology, and Christian doctrines without necessarily having a personal, born-again experience. These individuals may have studied theology, have linguistic expertise in the biblical languages, and be skilled in exegesis, hermeneutics, and sermon preparation. They can effectively teach and explain the gospel based on their acquired knowledge and communication skills. Unfortunately, there are too many instances where individuals graduate from seminaries without having a genuine born-again experience.

In the Gospels, we come across a similar character named Judas Iscariot. While Judas’ ultimate betrayal of Christ is well documented, it’s important to acknowledge that during his time as a follower of Jesus, he did indeed preach and perform miracles alongside his fellow disciples. Judas was privy to the same teachings and witnessed the same miraculous events as the other apostles. Yet, Jesus said of him, saying: “‘Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil.’  He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray him.” – John 6:70-71

  1. Accountability: The case of Ravi Zacharias highlights the importance of accountability, particularly for individuals in positions of power and influence. Institutions and organizations should have robust mechanisms in place to address allegations of misconduct, no matter the stature of the accused.
  2. The Need for Discernment: Congregants must exercise discernment and critical thinking when evaluating the authenticity of their religious leaders. This involves looking beyond charismatic personalities and scrutinizing their doctrine and the fruit of their lives, as Jesus advised in Matthew 7:15-20.
  3. Questioning Hero Worship: Hero worship and the uncritical veneration of public figures can be dangerous. Zacharias’s downfall reminds us that even the most revered leaders should be subject to scrutiny and should not be placed on a pedestal.


The tragic tale of Ravi Zacharias serves as a sombre lesson about the complexities of human character and the potential for moral failure, even in those we admire and look up to. While Zacharias’s legacy in Christian apologetics remains tarnished, it also provides an opportunity for reflection, growth, and a renewed commitment to the true message of the cross. It is a reminder that we must always prioritize Biblical truth over personal opinions, cultural norms, or individual preferences to ensure that our faith and beliefs remain rooted in God’s Word and its unchanging wisdom.


From Faith to Fraud: The Disturbing Truth About Benny Hinn

From Faith to Fraud: The Disturbing Truth About Benny Hinn

Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” – Matthew 7:15 (ESV)

Rachel Ruto, the spouse of the incumbent Kenyan President, William Ruto, has garnered significant media attention due to her recent visit to the United States. During her trip, she extended an official invitation to renowned televangelist Benny Hinn, with the aim of arranging a government-backed crusade to be held in Kenya.

Among charismatic Christians, there exists a tendency not only to overlook the directives of Scripture that do not align with their personal inclinations but also to extend this disposition into their lived experiences. Benny Hinn’s persistence in the public eye, despite numerous allegations of heresy and fraudulent behaviour spanning several decades, can be attributed, in part, to the deliberate indifference displayed by charismatic Christians such as Rachel Ruto.

This week, I found it important to emphasize the evident shortcomings of Benny Hinn, which are regrettably disregarded by members of the Charismatic Christian community.

Benny Hinn, a prominent figure in the world of televangelism and faith healing, has garnered a massive following over the years. Known for his charismatic personality and flamboyant healing crusades, Hinn has amassed a significant fortune and a dedicated fan base. However, beneath the facade of spiritual healing and divine intervention lies a troubling reality. This week, we shall shed light on why Benny Hinn should be considered a dangerous fake, exploiting people’s faith for personal gain, and promoting a distorted version of Christianity.

  1. Prosperity Gospel Preaching

One of the most concerning aspects of Benny Hinn’s ministry is his unapologetic promotion of the prosperity gospel. This controversial doctrine teaches that financial success and material wealth are not only for every believer but are also signs of God’s favour. Hinn often tells his followers that if they donate generously to his ministry, they will receive blessings from God in return, including financial prosperity and miraculous healings. This teaching distorts the true message of Christianity, reducing it to a transactional relationship with God where faith is measured by financial  contributions.

  1. Exploiting Vulnerable Believers

Hinn’s healing crusades attract thousands of desperate individuals seeking physical and emotional relief from various ailments. Many of these individuals are in vulnerable states of mind, grappling with illness, financial difficulties, or other personal challenges. Hinn capitalizes on their vulnerability by offering false hope and making extravagant promises of healing. People who attend his crusades or watch his televised events often report being emotionally manipulated into believing that their faith alone will bring them healing. This exploitation of vulnerable believers is both morally reprehensible and deeply harmful.

  1. Questionable Healing Practices

Benny Hinn is widely known for his ostentatious healing crusades, where he claims to cure individuals of various illnesses and disabilities through divine intervention. These practices, however, have been subject to numerous investigations and criticisms. Skeptics argue that many of the healings appear staged, with individuals conveniently falling backward during his “laying on of hands” sessions, only to miraculously recover moments later. Benny Hinn uses “catchers” during his crusades, individuals strategically placed in the audience to catch those who fall backward during Hinn’s dramatic “laying on of hands” moments. Individuals who fall often appear to experience temporary incapacitation but quickly recover, suggesting a theatrical performance rather than a genuine healing. Furthermore, Hinn has never provided credible, independently verified evidence of his healing claims, raising doubts about the authenticity of his supposed miracles.

  1. Financial Mismanagement

Hinn’s ministry has faced significant scrutiny for its questionable financial practices. He lives a lavish lifestyle, complete with multimillion-dollar mansions, private jets, and luxury cars—all funded by the donations of his followers. Despite repeated promises to use these funds for charitable purposes and ministry work, investigations have revealed that a substantial portion of the donations go towards maintaining his opulent lifestyle. This financial mismanagement not only betrays the trust of his supporters but also contradicts the teachings of humility and selflessness that Jesus Christ  espoused.

  1. Costi Hinn’s exposé

Costi Hinn’s courageous decision to come forward and expose his uncle, Benny Hinn, marked a significant turning point in the world of televangelism. In his book “God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel”, Costi, a former insider within Benny Hinn’s ministry, revealed the truth behind Benny Hinn’s extravagant lifestyle, financial mismanagement, and questionable practices that had long been shrouded in secrecy. Costi’s willingness to share firsthand accounts and his insights into the inner workings of the Hinn family’s ministry shed a critical light on the exploitation of faith for personal gain. Costi’s actions not only exposed the discrepancies in Benny Hinn’s teachings and lifestyle but also served as a wake-up call to many believers, urging them to reevaluate their faith and the leaders they choose to follow. His testimony highlights the importance of transparency and accountability within religious organizations and continues to inspire a broader conversation about the responsibility of religious leaders toward their congregations.

  1. False prophecies

Throughout Scripture, God has consistently conveyed His profound disapproval of those who engage in the dissemination of false prophecies. The Bible unequivocally underscores the gravity of bearing false witness, especially when it pertains to matters of divine revelation. The severity of the consequences associated with false prophecy underscores the profound significance of genuine discernment and fidelity to God’s Word.

Benny Hinn’s track record of false prophecies is a concerning aspect of his ministry. Over the years, he has made numerous predictions and declarations that have failed to materialize, casting doubt on his credibility as a prophet. These false prophecies range from predictions of specific world events to claims about divine revelations regarding individuals’ futures. Notable among them is his declaration that the world would witness the death of homosexuals by the late 1990s, a prediction that was not only incorrect but also deeply offensive. Hinn declared on multiple occasions that Fidel Castro, the former Cuban leader, would die in the early 2000s. Castro, however, remained in power until 2008 and passed away in 2016. In the early 1990s, Benny Hinn prophesied that Saddam Hussein would be overthrown from power and that a massive revival would sweep through the Middle East as a result. However, Saddam Hussein remained in power, and the predicted revival did not materialize. Such failed prophecies not only erode trust in Hinn’s spiritual authority but also raise questions about the legitimacy of his claims to prophetic insight. In truth, Benny Hinn’s so-called prophecies are self-serving rather than genuinely inspired by God.


Benny Hinn is a dangerous fake who has exploited the faith and trust of countless individuals for personal gain. His promotion of the prosperity gospel, exploitation of vulnerable believers, questionable healing practices, financial mismanagement, and lack of accountability all contribute to his dubious reputation. It is crucial for Christians to exercise discernment and critical thinking when evaluating the claims and actions of religious leaders like Benny Hinn, as their influence can have far-reaching consequences for the lives of those who follow them.


Noah: A Biblical Foreshadowing of Christ

Noah: A Biblical Foreshadowing of Christ

Because they formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” – 1 Peter 3:20-21 (ESV)

The story of Noah’s Ark, found in the Book of Genesis within the Bible, is a narrative that has captivated the hearts and minds of believers and non-believers alike for centuries. At its core, the tale of Noah’s Ark is one of divine intervention, obedience, and, most importantly, salvation. This week, we shall explore the profound symbolism of Noah’s Ark as a representation of salvation, demonstrating how it transcends its historical context to offer timeless lessons and inspiration for all.

The story of Noah begins with a world corrupted by wickedness and sin. The people had strayed far from God’s intentions, and, as a result, God decided to send a catastrophic flood to cleanse the earth. However, one man who found favour with God, Noah, is described as a righteous and blameless man in his generation. God chose Noah to build an Ark, a massive wooden vessel, to save himself, his family, and two of every kind of animal from the impending deluge.

  1. A World in Need of Redemption

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the Lord said, ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.’” Genesis 6:5-7 (ESV).

Before delving into the symbolism of Noah’s Ark, it is essential to set the stage. In the early chapters of Genesis, the world had fallen into a state of pervasive corruption and wickedness. Humanity had strayed far from God’s intended path, leading to a world filled with violence and sin. God, grieved by the state of His creation, decided to intervene in a dramatic and world-altering manner—a great flood that would cleanse the earth.

For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.  For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” – Matthew 24:37-39 (ESV).

Jesus, in His teachings, prophesied that the latter days would bear a resemblance to the days of Noah. He drew this parallel to highlight the spiritual and moral conditions that would prevail in the end times. Just as in Noah’s era, Jesus predicted that people would be engrossed in worldly pursuits, seemingly oblivious to the imminent divine judgment. The comparison serves as a solemn reminder for believers to remain vigilant, faithful, and prepared for the return of the Son of Man. The days of Noah stand as a symbol of both God’s judgment and the need for steadfastness in faith in the face of a world that may have strayed from God’s ways.

  1. Noah: The Chosen Vessel

In the midst of this impending catastrophe, God found one righteous man, Noah, who “walked with God” in a world full of unrighteousness. Noah’s faith and obedience to God’s instructions made him a vessel for salvation. God chose Noah to construct an Ark that would serve as both refuge and salvation for Noah, his family, and representatives of all living creatures.

Noah, in the biblical narrative, serves as a profound foreshadowing or picture of Christ. Just as Noah was chosen by God to be a vessel of salvation, preserving humanity from the floodwaters of judgment, Jesus Christ was divinely appointed to be the Saviour of humanity from the eternal consequences of sin. Noah’s obedient response to God’s instructions in building the Ark mirrors Christ’s perfect obedience to God’s will throughout His life. The Ark itself, which provided refuge and safety from the flood, symbolizes the protection and salvation that believers find in Christ. Furthermore, just as God made a covenant with Noah after the flood, symbolized by the rainbow, Jesus established a new covenant through His sacrifice on the cross, offering forgiveness, reconciliation with God, and the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him. In this way, Noah’s story beautifully prefigures the redemptive work of Christ, emphasizing God’s grace, mercy, and His enduring plan to save humanity.

  1. The Ark: A Place of Refuge

The Ark itself holds significant symbolism in the story. It was designed with specific dimensions and features, following God’s precise instructions. It was not just a massive ship but a haven of salvation in a world engulfed by floodwaters. Those who entered the Ark found refuge from the wrath of God. In this sense, the Ark serves as a powerful symbol of God’s grace and mercy—His offer of salvation amidst judgment.

Just as the Ark served as a means of salvation from the impending floodwaters of God’s judgment, the cross of Christ serves as the ultimate symbol of salvation from the eternal consequences of sin. The Ark provided refuge and safety for those within it, just as the cross offers forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation with God for all who believe in Jesus. In both cases, we witness God’s unwavering love and mercy, as well as His divine plan to rescue humanity from the consequences of its own fallen nature. The Ark, like the cross, reminds us of the transformative power of faith and obedience, and it points us to the hope of a new beginning and eternal life found through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

  1. Salvation for All

The story of Noah’s Ark emphasizes that salvation is not limited to a select few but is extended to all who are willing to enter the Ark of refuge. In a broader theological context, this symbolizes God’s universal invitation for salvation through faith in Him. Just as Noah’s Ark offered safety to those who entered, God’s salvation is available to all who trust in Him.

Christ’s salvation, much like Noah’s Ark, is a universal offer of grace that extends to all who are willing to enter the Ark of refuge. In the biblical account, Noah’s Ark was not exclusive; it was open to all who would heed the call and enter its shelter. Similarly, Christ’s redemptive work on the cross is not limited to a select few but is available to all who choose to embrace Him in faith. The message of salvation through Christ is one of inclusivity, inviting people from all walks of life, regardless of their past or present circumstances, to find refuge and forgiveness in His embrace. Just as the Ark provided safety from the flood to all who entered, so too does Christ offer eternal safety and spiritual renewal to all who come to Him with a repentant heart, extending His loving invitation to whosoever will.


Noah’s Ark, as a symbol of salvation, carries profound theological and spiritual significance. It reminds us of the need for redemption in a fallen world, the importance of faith and obedience, and the unending mercy of God. The Ark also serves as a timeless emblem of hope and renewal—a reminder that, even in the midst of judgment, God provides a way to rescue and renew His creation. Just as Noah found refuge in the Ark, humanity can find salvation and eternal life through faith in Jesus. The story of Noah’s Ark continues to inspire believers to trust in God’s promises and seek refuge in Him amidst the storms of life.