How the “Prophetic” Tore My Family Apart

How the “Prophetic” Tore My Family Apart

“For the household gods utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies; they tell false dreams and give empty consolation. Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a shepherd” – Zechariah 10:2 (ESV)

At the heart of the charismatic movement is a significant emphasis on the prophetic dimension. Unfortunately, what we witness are deceptive and misleading predictions or claims of future events churned out in God’s Name. False prophecies can have significant consequences, sowing confusion, disappointment, and distrust among those who believe in them. People make life-altering decisions based on these erroneous predictions, only to face the harsh reality that they were misled.

My intention for this week was to delve into an analysis of the realm of the prophetic. However, as I reflected on the subject, I deemed it necessary to first share the profound impact that a false prophetic movement had on my family. Before exploring the Scriptural stand on prophecy next week, it is essential to acknowledge and understand the havoc caused by misleading and deceptive prophecies, dreams, and visions. By doing so, we can approach the topic from a balanced perspective and learn from the experiences that shaped my family’s journey.

I am sharing my story because I am aware that countless others have been victims of the same, enduring profound losses caused by deceitful prophets and misguided prophecies.

The Allure of the Prophetic

The concept of the “prophetic” evokes visions of guidance, wisdom, and divine revelation. However, in some instances, the pursuit of prophecies and belief in their validity can lead to unintended consequences. Unfortunately, my family experienced firsthand the detrimental effects of placing blind faith in prophecies, resulting in the disintegration of family relationships.

In a world rife with uncertainty and complexity, the idea of a prophet offering insights into the future can be alluring. It provides comfort and hope, especially during challenging times when people seek reassurance about their choices and destinies.

I grew up in a family of five: two parents and three boys, with me being the eldest. Throughout their married years, my parents maintained a tense relationship. As time went on, my mother became part of a community of women who identified themselves as “servants” of God, believing they were divinely called to serve Him. I now consider this group to be a cult. Among other things, they claimed to possess prophetic abilities that could reveal hidden truths and navigate one toward a better life.

Erosion of Rationality

Over time, the belief in the prophetic grew stronger within this cult. Practical considerations were disregarded in favour of “divine” visions and voices generated by the group. Rational decision-making was replaced by an unquestioning acceptance of every word uttered by the prophetesses within the group, leading to a dangerous disconnect from reality. I recall a specific incident when we were living in Mombasa. My mother was on the phone with a member of the cult, discussing their plans to pray for the sacking of a nurse at Coast General Hospital. This nurse had apparently obstructed their ministry work at the facility.

Those who dared to oppose this group were automatically labeled as being under the sway of the Devil. My dad, who held reservations about the group, warned my mother about certain practices they engaged in. In response, the group retaliated by concocting visions and dreams portraying my dad as a Devil-worshipper. They accused him of obstructing the destinies of his children for personal gain, claiming he suffered from HIV/AIDS and was draining the life force of our family members (sucking our blood in the spirit realm) to prolong his own life.

Fractured Relationships

As I previously mentioned, my parents’ relationship has always been strained, and my mother’s involvement in the cult further exacerbated the situation. Eventually, a prophecy emerged within the group claiming that God had a grand international ministry destined for my mother. This ministry was to span the entire globe and bring healing to the nations. But this ministry’s realization was being thwarted by my father’s alleged malevolent powers. The proposed solution was for my mother to separate from my dad and pursue this supposed international ministry that God had in store for her.

Second Wife

In response to what she believed was divine “prophetic” guidance, my mother abandoned her marital home, impervious to any attempts made by family members to dissuade her. Consequently, my father sought companionship elsewhere and found a caring partner who stood by him until his passing.

My mother made significant efforts to sever all connections between my dad and his sons. According to her, she received divine revelations revealing that my dad was involved in immoral behaviour. She changed her narrative and now claimed that she left her marriage because dad had always been planning to kill her and bring in a new wife; hence, she had actually fled for her life. Remarkably, she managed to convince my brothers, and they completely severed all interactions with our dad until his last day on Earth.

My mother and brothers also cut off all connections with my uncles and aunts on my father’s side. Further prophetic revelations revealed that these relatives are involved in witchcraft and devil worship. Since I chose not to sever ties with my dad and his family, they included me in Satan worship revelations and subsequently disassociated themselves from me as well.

After my dad’s passing, my mother returned, asserting her claim to all of his assets as his legally wedded wife. She sought to evict my stepmother from my dad’s land in Mombasa, and the case went to court. The Chief Magistrate’s Court in Mombasa ruled in favour of my stepmother, recognizing her as the deceased’s dependent. Senior Resident Magistrate Hon J. Kassam wrote: “It therefore follows that Section 3 (5) of the Law of Succession Act being the parent law supersedes Section 37 of the repealed marriage Act. To that extent, the respondent [my step mum] is insulated under Section 3 (5) of the Law of Succession Act hence recognized as a wife for purposes of succession.”

Eventually, the courts fairly divided my dad’s assets among the five of us, including my stepmother. My stepmother received my dad’s land in Mombasa, which greatly angered my mum and brothers. Presently, my stepmother resides safely on the farm in Mombasa. My mum and brothers continue to keep their distance from us and, despite the court’s decision, persist in their efforts to find legal loopholes to remove my stepmother from the land.


The allure of the prophetic can be captivating, offering hope and direction in uncertain times. However, our family’s tragic experience serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating how misplaced faith in prophecies can wreak havoc on lives and relationships. Our family journey through spiritual ruin, fractured relationships, and loss of opportunities should teach us all the importance of critical thinking and individual responsibility. It is crucial to approach prophecies with critical thinking, discernment, and a healthy dose of skepticism to safeguard ourselves and others from the detrimental effects of false or inaccurate information.

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