The Torn Curtain
“And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split” – Matthew 27:51(ESV).

Something powerful and symbolic occurred within the temple in Jerusalem when Jesus died on the cross. As Jesus breathed His last, the Bible records that the temple veil, or curtain, that separated the Holy of Holies (the Most Holy Place) from the rest of the temple was split into two. This event holds key eternal significance.
The veil’s purpose was to separate the people from the immediate presence of God. This veil was torn from top to bottom, marking the end of the separation between God and man. This dramatic event was a sign from God that a new era had begun: one where man no longer needed the agency of a High Priest or any other religious figure to gain direct access to God. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, all believers are granted direct access to God.
The Significance of the Veil in the Temple
The temple veil, also known as the temple curtain, was a key item in the Jewish temple. It acted as a physical barrier separating the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple where the people worshipped. The reason for this separation was that God’s very presence resided in the Holy of Holies, and only the High Priest was allowed to enter into this innermost chamber of the temple. This happened once a year on the Day of Atonement and only after he had performed a number of sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins. This separation was necessary to protect sinful humanity from encountering a holy God, which would have had severe consequences for mankind.
This veil was not any ordinary curtain. It was 60 feet in length, 30 feet in width, and was 4 inches thick. It was so large and heavy that 300 priests were required to handle it. It was designed to be imposing, emphasizing the impenetrability of God’s presence to sinful man. It stood as a reminder that man exists in a separated state from God because of his sin.
The Tearing of the Curtain: A Divine Act
When Jesus died, the veil was torn from top to bottom. This was not a random occurrence or a mere coincidence; it was a supernatural event that pointed to God’s direct involvement in the removal of the barrier between Himself and humanity. The fact that God tied this event of the tearing of the veil to the death of His Son on the cross was a message to all who would listen: Christ’s death has fully atoned for the sin of mankind, and now access to God’s presence is open.
The sheer size and thickness of the curtain made it impossible for any man to tear it, yet God did it effortlessly. The veil was torn from top to bottom, not from bottom to top: God reaching down to sinful man through the death of Christ on the cross. The separation between God and man was now over. The way to God was opened for all who would believe.
The tearing of the curtain was a clear sign that Jesus’ sacrifice had removed the obstacles that once kept mankind from God’s presence. The separation caused by sin was now dealt with once and for all. No longer would a human priest be needed to act as an intermediary between the people and God. Through Jesus, everyone now had direct access to the Father.
Symbolism: The End of Separation
The separation between God and man existed right from the garden of Eden. When Adam succumbed to the Enemy’s deception, he sinned and received the sinful nature, which he passed on to each of his descendants.
Christ’s death on the cross eradicated sin and established a new covenant between God and man. In this new covenant, Jesus Himself becomes the High Priest offering the perfect, permanent, and complete atonement for sin. Through Jesus, anyone who believes in Him can approach God directly without the agency of any other single individual.
The Significance for Today: Avoiding the Traps of False Gatekeepers
The tearing of the temple veil holds great significance for us today. As mentioned before, believers in Jesus have no need of any other intermediary to access God. The Bible presents Jesus as the only true Mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5).
The unfortunate reality today is that in Christian circles, many church leaders pose as gatekeepers to God’s presence. They teach that the faithful must go through them to have access to God. Money is also solicited in such encounters where the individual is required to “sow a seed” to connect to God.
Understanding the significance of the torn curtain helps us recognize the error in such teachings. Pastors and leaders who claim to be the exclusive gatekeepers to God’s presence or who suggest that the only way to commune with God is through them are fraudsters. The tearing of the curtain shows that Jesus has already opened the way for us. We do not need another agent to bridge the gap. Through Christ, we can approach God directly.
Today’s congregations desperately need this understanding. Churches are infested with leaders who exploit the ignorance of their congregants and pose as custodians of access to God’s favour or presence. The torn curtain reminds us that our relationship with God is personal and direct, and that no earthly leader or intermediary can stand in the way of that.
The tearing of the temple veil at the moment of Jesus’ death was a profound event with deep spiritual significance. It marked the end of the separation between God and humanity, symbolizing that through Jesus’ sacrifice, we now have direct access to God. The veil’s destruction was a divine act, signifying that Jesus’ death had torn down the barriers created by sin. In understanding this, we can avoid the traps set by leaders who seek to position themselves as the sole gateways to God’s presence, reminding us that Jesus is the only mediator, and through Him, we can approach God freely and boldly.