The Deception Behind Benny Hinn’s Crusades

The Deception Behind Benny Hinn's Crusades

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” – 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV)

Benny Hinn, a televangelist renowned for his extravagant healing crusades, has long been a figure of controversy and scepticism. While his events draw massive crowds and fervent believers seeking divine intervention, a closer examination reveals a troubling pattern of manipulation, false promises, and exploitation.

  1. The Illusion of Miracles:

At the heart of a Benny Hinn crusade lies the spectacle of purported miracles and divine healings. However, the dynamics at play within these events are carefully orchestrated to create the illusion of supernatural intervention. According to investigations by experts, Hinn’s team meticulously selects individuals with ambiguous ailments, ensuring they do not exhibit overt symptoms that would expose the fraudulent nature of the supposed healings. These individuals are then subjected to psychosomatic manipulation, wherein suggestion and heightened emotions contribute to a perception of miraculous recovery.

  1. Shattered Hopes and Tragic Consequences:

The aftermath of these crusades is often riddled with heartache and disappointment, particularly for those who place their faith in Hinn’s promises of healing. False and unverified testimonies abound, leaving sufferers and their families grappling with shattered hopes and unanswered prayers. The tragedy extends beyond emotional distress, as evidenced by the harrowing accounts of four Kenyans, including two young children, who tragically lost their lives while awaiting miracle cures at Hinn’s 2000 crusade in Nairobi. Despite being released from hospital care in hopes of receiving divine healing from Benny Hinn, they succumbed to their illnesses. Additionally, ten others suffered serious injuries, including broken jaws, in desperate attempts to gain a glimpse of the American preacher. Now, why would a healing crusade where the power of the Holy Spirit is allegedly active end up with dead and broken bodies unless it was all a fraud? But hey, who needs logic when you’ve got blind faith, right?

A Question of Miracles is an HBO documentary that premiered in April 2001. It followed Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke, a now deceased, well-known Word-of-Faith German missionary whose area of operation was largely in Africa. The documentary team tracked seven “miracle healings” from Hinn’s campaign over the course of one year, with both Hinn and Bonnke providing complete access to their events. The director of the documentary, Antony Thomas, stated to CNN’s Kyra Phillips that they were unable to locate any instances in which Hinn truly performed healings on patients. In fact, in a New York Times interview, Antony said: “If I had seen miracles [from Hinn’s ministry], I would have been happy to trumpet it… but in retrospect, I think they do more damage to Christianity than the most committed atheist.”

  1. Exploiting Faith for Profit:

Furthermore, Hinn’s crusades serve as lucrative fundraising ventures disguised as spiritual gatherings. Expert investigations have uncovered the financial motivations behind these events, exposing a web of donations, merchandise sales, and extravagant expenses that enrich Hinn and his ministry. The veneer of divine intervention is a crafty cover for the underlying reality of exploitation, as vulnerable individuals are preyed upon for monetary gain.

Ministry Watch is an independent evangelical Christian group that keeps an eye on and assesses the moral and financial standing of Christian ministries and their leaders. It was founded in 1998 by Rusty Leonard, a former Wall Street analyst, who became alarmed by certain Christian charities’ lack of financial transparency and accountability. Ministry Watch released a Donor Alert against Benny Hinn’s ministry back in March 2005, noting a lack of financial openness as one of the potential issues. Benny Hinn’s ministry is also not a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

  1. Grandiose Deception:

Benny Hinn’s grandiose claim of Jesus’ imminent physical appearance at his 2000 Kenyan crusade not only proved to be false, but it also served to further deceive and manipulate his audience. Hinn’s prophecies not only lack a biblical foundation but also demonstrate a reckless disregard for truth and accountability. Deuteronomy 18:20–22 sternly warns against false prophets who speak presumptuously in the name of the Lord, declaring that their words shall not come to pass.

Benny Hinn has developed a pattern of making extravagant and unconfirmed assertions regarding angelic visitations and other supernatural encounters. These false claims have become a trademark of his ministry. Hinn frequently describes encounters with angels and supernatural beings during his sermons and public appearances with the aim of creating an atmosphere of mystique and wonder about his persona.

  1. Vulnerable Souls:

The individuals who flock to Benny Hinn’s crusades are often characterized by a combination of gullibility, desperation, and ignorance of sound doctrine. Many are driven by a fervent desire for a miraculous intervention in their lives, and Hinn capitalizes on this vulnerability to further his own agenda. The tragedy lies not only in the exploitation of these individuals but also in the perpetuation of a distorted and counterfeit version of Christianity.

  1. Conflicting Narratives:

The conflicting statements regarding the funding and organization of Benny Hinn’s crusade in Kenya suggest a concerning level of deception surrounding the event. While the steering committee asserts that the crusade is solely funded and organized by Kenyan churches, Benny Hinn’s previous claim about government sponsorship, specifically citing an invitation from the First Lady of Kenya, directly contradicts this narrative. Bishop Harrison Ng’ang’a, representing the organizing committee, stated, “The event has been organized, funded and coordinated by the churches of Kenya.” However, Benny Hinn’s assertion that the First Lady had flown to Nairobi specifically to discuss a government-funded crusade paints a different picture. This discrepancy raises questions about the transparency and honesty of those involved in the planning and promotion of the crusade, prompting concerns about potential ulterior motives behind the conflicting narratives.

  1. Kenya’s Crisis of Discernment and Doctrinal Integrity

The endorsement and embrace of a figure like Benny Hinn by Kenya’s church leaders is a stark indictment of the state of Christianity in the country, bringing to light a troubling departure from sound doctrine. The acceptance of individuals like Hinn exposes a deplorable level of discernment within Kenyan Christianity. This unfortunate reality draws attention to a failure to uphold Biblical principles and sound teaching within the Kenyan faith community. The Apostle Paul’s admonition in 2 Timothy 4:3–4 rings particularly true in this context, as he warns, “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” This verse aptly captures the phenomenon of Kenyan Christians gravitating towards charismatic figures like Hinn, whose teachings largely deviate from the foundational truths of the Gospel.

  1. Scriptural Warnings:

Biblical principles condemn such deceitful practices, warning against false prophets who deceive the masses with promises of miracles and divine revelations. In Matthew 7:15–20, Jesus warns his followers to beware of false prophets who come disguised as sheep but are inwardly ravenous wolves. Similarly, 2 Peter 2:1–3 cautions against false teachers who exploit others with false words for their own gain.


Benny Hinn’s crusades are emblematic of the dangers posed by false prophets who exploit the faith and desperation of others for personal gain. The deceptive tactics employed within these events, coupled with the tragic consequences that often ensue, stress the urgent need for discernment and accountability within Kenyan religious communities. As believers, we must heed the warning of Scripture and guard against those who seek to deceive and manipulate us for their own ends, holding fast to the truth of God’s Word and the genuine power of His divine grace.

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