Unwavering Love in Times of Adversity

Unwavering Love in Times of Adversity

Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?” – Romans 8:35 (NLT)

Romans 8:35, as rendered in the New Living Translation (NLT), poses a heavy question that should be contemplated by all followers of Jesus Christ: “Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?” Since time immemorial, believers have grappled with the apparent contradiction between divine love and the presence of suffering in their lives.

The Nature of Adversity:

The verse addresses a range of human experiences, from personal troubles to external calamities, including persecution, hunger, destitution, danger, and the looming threat of death. In doing so, it acknowledges the reality of the human condition—one that is marked by trials and tribulations, where we are not immune to the challenges that befall the world.

Erroneous Teachings:

In the context of Romans 8:35, it becomes evident that modern preaching implies a different narrative. In contemporary church gatherings, there exists a prevalent message that suggests a direct correlation between divine favour and a life free from adversity. This perspective often surfaces in teachings that promise material prosperity, immediate deliverance from hardships, and an absence of trials as evidence of God’s unwavering love. However, this interpretation appears to be at odds with the message presented in Romans 8:35, which challenges the notion that God’s love ushers in a trouble-free existence. The verse acknowledges the enduring nature of God’s love even in the midst of life’s inevitable challenges.

Challenging the Assumption:

The question itself challenges a common assumption that if God truly loves us, we should be shielded from adversity. It prompts us to confront a theological quandary: Can the presence of hardship be indicative of a withdrawal of God’s love? The subsequent verses unfold a narrative of unwavering love and victorious faith.

Tim Keller, an American pastor, theologian, and Christian author, once said: “Suffering is actually at the heart of the Christian story. It is not peripheral.” Faith in Christ, far from being a shield against suffering, is an anchor that grounds us in God in the midst of negative human experiences. The teachings of Christianity consistently point out that embracing Christ does not immunize us from the challenges and tribulations inherent in life. Instead, faith serves as a guiding light through the darkness of suffering, providing strength, hope, and resilience. The life of Jesus Himself exemplifies this truth, as He endured profound suffering while on earth. The essence of Christian faith lies in a profound understanding that even in the face of adversity, we can find purpose and meaning through our relationship with Christ. Faith is not a promise of a life without pain but an assurance that, in Christ, suffering is not devoid of significance and that God’s love remains steadfast through every trial.

Contextualizing the Passage:

To fully grasp the significance of Romans 8:35, it is important to understand the broader context of the entire chapter. Romans 8 expounds on the freedom found in Christ, the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and the assurance of God’s love for His children. In this context, the question raised in verse 35 serves as a rhetorical device to emphasize the potency and endurance of God’s love amidst life’s adversities.

Overwhelming Victory Through Christ:

The passage continues with a resounding answer to the initial question: “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” (Romans 8:37, NLT). This proclamation shifts the focus from the adversity itself to the triumphant power of Christ’s love. It teaches that rather than interpreting hardship as a sign of God’s abandonment, we should view it as an opportunity to experience unparalleled victory through our relationship with Christ.

Theological Implications:

Romans 8:35–37 challenges us to reconsider our understanding of God’s love in the face of adversity. It suggests that God’s love is not contingent upon a life free from trouble but is, instead, a steadfast and unwavering force that sustains and empowers us through life’s challenges. This theological perspective enables us to find solace and hope in our faith, knowing that even in the midst of difficulties, we can experience an overwhelming victory through our connection with Christ.


Romans 8:35–37, in the New Living Translation, serves as a reminder of the enduring nature of God’s love in the face of adversity. It challenges us to transcend a simplistic view of God’s love and embrace the profound truth that, through Christ, we can experience triumph even in the midst of life’s most challenging circumstances. In exploring this passage, we are invited to anchor our faith in the unshakable love of God, finding comfort and strength in the assurance of overwhelming victory through our relationship with Christ.

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