God’s Unlikely Choices

God's Unlikely Choices

And the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian; do not I send you?” – Judges 6:14 (ESV)

Among the many biblical narratives, the story of Gideon stands out as a pointer to the transformative power of God’s grace and His penchant for choosing the most unexpected candidates to display His glory. The tale of Gideon, found in the book of Judges, is a powerful narrative of redemption, proving that God’s ways are not our ways, and His choices often defy human logic.

  1. Gideon: The Unlikely Hero:

Gideon, initially portrayed as an unlikely hero, hailed from the weakest clan in Manasseh and was the least in his father’s house. He saw himself as the least likely candidate to be chosen by God for a mighty task. However, God had a different perspective. In Judges 6:12, an angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, addressing him as a “mighty man of valour.” This divine encounter was the beginning of Gideon’s journey from a place of insecurity and insignificance to a position of divine purpose and strength.

  1. God’s Choice in the Fallen:

It’s a recurring theme in the Bible that God often chooses individuals who, by human standards, seem fallen, weak, or inadequate. The story of Gideon mirrors this pattern, showing God’s ability to work through imperfect vessels. Just as God selected Gideon, who doubted his own capabilities, He chose fallen humanity to showcase His glory. This highlights the divine principle that God’s strength is made perfect in human weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Isn’t it a wonder that, despite our sinful nature and shortcomings, God extends His hand of forgiveness and redemption to us? In His boundless mercy, He offers us the opportunity to experience a transformative connection with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Through Christ, we find the pathway to reconciliation with God. God not only forgives our sins but also graciously provides us with His Spirit, enabling us to prevail over sin and enjoy a fulfilling connection to Him. Thanks to Jesus, God’s grace is more significant than our failures, and redemption is within reach.

  1. Gideon’s Doubt:

Gideon, plagued by doubts and insecurities, sought reassurance from God through the famous fleece test. Twice, he placed a fleece of wool on the threshing floor, asking God for a miraculous sign. Remarkably, God graciously accommodated Gideon’s request, displaying His patience and understanding.

God is willing to meet us where we are, even in our moments of doubt and weakness, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of His divine plan. In ups and downs of our lives, marked by both triumphs and tribulations, God’s willingness to engage with us in the midst of our vulnerabilities becomes a profound source of comfort and assurance.

  1. God’s Glory in Gideon’s Victory:

The pinnacle of Gideon’s story is his leadership during the battle against the Midianites. With an army initially numbering 32,000, God orchestrated a series of reductions, leaving Gideon with a mere 300 soldiers. This strategic reduction emphasizes that victory will come not by human might or power but by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). Gideon’s unconventional battle plan, marked by trumpets, torches, and broken jars, displayed God’s glory in the unexpected.

Ideally, Gideon serves as a type of Jesus Christ. Much like Jesus, Gideon emerges as an unexpected and humble leader, chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from oppression. The trumpets and torches symbolize spiritual illumination and the proclamation of God’s presence, summarized in the Gospel that Jesus brought to the world. The broken jars signify the fragility of human vessels, proclaiming the power of God to work through the weak and the ordinary. Gideon’s story mirrors the redemptive qualities associated with Jesus, alongside the transformative impact of faith and obedience to the Gospel in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.


God’s choices often defy human expectations. Through the narrative of this unlikely hero, Gideon, we learn that our inadequacy is no barrier to God’s call and that He uses the fallen to display His glory. Gideon’s journey from doubt to victory shows the transformative power of divine redemption and emphasizes that, despite our flaws and limitations, God can use us for His purposes, showcasing His glory through our lives. As we reflect on the story of Gideon, may we find encouragement in the truth that God’s grace can transform the most unlikely candidates into instruments of His divine plan.

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