Introducing Thru’ The Bible 2024

What is Thru’ The Bible 2024?

“Thru’ the Bible 2024” is an initiative by Bible Call Ministries designed to encourage you to cultivate and sustain a habit of reading the Bible. For more information on this click here.

Why You Should Join Thru’ The Bible 2024

The Bible, as the foundational text of Christianity, holds immense significance for believers around the world. It is the inspired word of God, providing guidance, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of faith. While attending church services and participating in communal worship are essential aspects of the Christian experience, more importance should be placed on individual Christians reading the Bible for themselves as it is the very voice of God. This week, we explore the reasons why personal engagement with the Bible is crucial for your spiritual growth and development. You Should Join Thru’ The Bible 2024 for the following reasons:

  1. Understand God’s Word

Personal Bible reading allows you to delve into the sacred scriptures, gaining a direct understanding of God’s word. Reading it personally enables you to engage with its message, discern the context, and grasp the intended meaning of each passage. This first-hand encounter fosters a deeper connection with God.

  1. Spiritual nourishment

Just as physical nourishment is vital for the well-being of the body, spiritual nourishment is essential for the health of the soul. Personal Bible reading serves as a source of spiritual sustenance, providing encouragement, comfort, and inspiration. The Bible addresses the multifaceted aspects of human existence, offering solace during times of distress, guidance in decision-making, and hope in moments of despair. When you read the Bible for yourself, you open the door to a reservoir of spiritual strength that can sustain you through life’s challenges.

  1. Formation of Christian Identity

The Bible plays a foundational role in shaping your identity. By personally engaging with the scriptures, you develop a unique and personal connection to the narrative of salvation history. The stories of faith, the teachings of Jesus, and the ethical principles outlined in the Bible contribute to the formation of a distinct Christian identity. This identity serves as a compass, guiding you in your relationships, moral choices, and worldview. Personal Bible reading, therefore, is instrumental in the ongoing process of Christian formation.

  1. Deepening Relationship with God

Christianity emphasizes a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Personal Bible reading is a key means by which you can deepen this relationship. The scriptures serve as a bridge between the finite and the infinite, allowing you to commune with God through prayerful reflection on the Word. The Bible is not merely a historical document or a set of rules; it is a living and dynamic revelation that invites you into an ongoing conversation with God. Personal engagement with the Bible fosters a more profound intimacy with God as you encounter the transformative power of His Word.

  1. Guarding Against Misinterpretation

In a world filled with churches with heretical interpretations of the Bible, personal Bible reading empowers you to critically engage with the scriptures and guard against misinterpretation. While guidance from pastors, theologians, and scholars is valuable, you have the responsibility to discern the truth for yourself. This discernment is cultivated through a combination of prayer, study, and personal reflection on the Bible. The ability to navigate the scriptures independently contributes to a more robust and well-informed faith.


The importance of you reading the Bible for yourself cannot be overstated. Personal engagement with the scriptures is integral to understanding God’s word, receiving spiritual nourishment, forming a Christian identity, deepening one’s relationship with God, and guarding against misinterpretation. While communal worship and participation in church life are vital components of the Christian experience, personal Bible reading enhances and enriches these communal practices. It is only through the pages of the Bible that you can embark on a transformative journey, gaining insight, wisdom, and a profound connection with God.

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