
Are You Born Again? The Evidences of a Renewed Life

Are You Born Again? The Evidences of a Renewed Life

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life” – 1 John 5:13 (ESV).

The concept of being “born again” is a significant aspect of Christian theology, referring to a spiritual rebirth or transformation that occurs when a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Saviour and begins a new life of faith. It’s a profound experience that marks a turning point in a person’s relationship with God.

It is my firm belief that the majority of churchgoers are not born again in the truest sense of the term. While attendance at religious services and participation in church activities are important aspects of a person’s faith journey, being born again entails a profound spiritual transformation that goes beyond outward appearances. The process of being born again involves a genuine encounter with the saving grace of Jesus Christ, leading to a heart-level conversion and a radical change in one’s desires, values, and behaviour. Unfortunately, many individuals confuse religious rituals and traditions with the inner renewal that comes from an encounter with God. It is essential for believers and church leaders to emphasize the significance of a heartfelt commitment to Christ, authentic repentance, and the cultivation of the fruits of the Spirit as definitive indicators of being born again.

If you’re wondering how you can know if you are born again, here are some signs and indicators:

  1. Change in Desires

One of the first signs of being born again is a noticeable change in your desires and priorities. Your interests, ambitions, and goals shift to align with God’s will and values as revealed in Scripture. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV). One cannot authentically proclaim to have experienced a spiritual rebirth while simultaneously endorsing or engaging in behaviours that are contrary to Scripture, such as fornication, adultery, or being rude, insulting, and mean-spirited.

  1. Remorse and Repentance

Being born again involves a deep sense of remorse for past sins and a sincere desire to turn away from them. You’ll experience a strong need for God’s forgiveness and restoration. “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death” – 2 Corinthians 7:10 (ESV). We are all familiar with instances where individuals in positions of leadership within a church community, as well as regular congregants, exhibit behaviours that are deeply troubling. It’s disheartening to witness cases of deceitfulness, cheating, and even emotional or physical abuse occurring among those who are expected to uphold higher moral and ethical standards.

  1. New Perspective

Your outlook on life changes. You start viewing the world, people, and situations from a more compassionate and God-centred perspective. “But we have the mind of Christ” -1 Corinthians 2:16 (ESV). However, the prevailing trend among individuals who identify as believers is a shift of focus towards seeking earthly and temporal comforts, often at the cost of embracing and prioritizing eternal truths. The prevalent prosperity gospel prioritizes the attainment of financial success, physical well-being, and other temporal blessings as indicators of one’s spiritual standing and divine favour. The widespread popularity of this heretical gospel serves as a notable indicator that a significant portion of individuals attending churches and those ministering behind the pulpit have not undergone a spiritual rebirth.

  1. Desire for God’s Word

If you’re born again, you will have a hunger to read and study the Bible. The Scriptures will hold new meaning and relevance for your life. “Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so” – Acts 17:11 (ESV). A born-again individual will be discerning when it comes to claims of receiving messages from God through self-proclaimed prophets. Instead of accepting such declarations, they will prioritize seeking and recognizing God’s voice as it is revealed through the teachings and principles outlined in the Bible.

  1. Relationship with God

A personal and intimate relationship with God becomes central to your life. Prayer and communion with God become regular practices. “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him” – John 14:21 (ESV). What is evident in the present times is a noticeable trend among individuals who label themselves as believers, wherein their primary focus seems to be centered on attaining material wealth and social recognition rather than actively pursuing a deeper understanding of God and striving to embody the characteristics exemplified by Jesus Christ.

  1. Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23 lists the “fruit of the Spirit” as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As you’re born again, you’ll see these qualities gradually manifest in your life. “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” – Philippians 1:9-10 (ESV). The ninefold character traits that Scripture calls the “fruit of the Spirit” reflect a transformed character that arises from a deep connection with God. In churches today, pastors and congregants who do not genuinely embody the new rebirth have substituted the true “fruits of the Spirit” with the pursuit of material success as a distorted interpretation of spiritual growth.

  1. Changed Behaviour

Your behavior and lifestyle choices change. Old habits and sinful patterns start to lose their grip on you. “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people,  training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age” – Titus 2:11-12 (ESV). It is a concerning observation that, in many instances, there is a blurring of lines between the behaviour of those who identify as believers and those who do not profess any religious faith.

  1. Love for Others

Your love for others, even those who were once difficult to love, will increase. You’ll feel a desire to serve and help those in need. “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” – James 1:27 (ESV).

  1. Experience of Grace

You’ll have a deep awareness of God’s grace in your life and an understanding that your salvation is a gift, not something earned. “Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began” – 2 Timothy 1:9 (ESV). Churches today push the idea that salvation and favour with God are earned through specific actions like tithing, sowing financial “seeds,” or actively participating in church activities, among others.

  1. Inner Peace

A sense of inner peace, even in the midst of life’s challenges, is a common experience for those who are born again. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV). The presence of conflicts within Christian marriages, relationships, and ministries is indicative of a lack of inner peace among the individuals and groups involved.

  1. Witness to Others

You’ll feel a natural inclination to share your faith and the story of your transformation with others. “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.  Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” – Colossians 4:5-6 (ESV). An individual who has experienced a profound spiritual transformation will actively endeavour to share the message of Christ with others through engagement in or endorsement of missionary activities. Contrary to this, Chrisian missionaries in far-flung areas struggle to obtain adequate financial support from professing believers and sometimes resort to seeking assistance in alternate ways.

  1. Endurance and Perseverance

Being born again doesn’t mean life becomes easy, but you’ll find strength and endurance to face difficulties with hope and trust in God. “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus” – 2 Timothy 2:3 (ESV). The tenacity and perseverance of a truly born-again Christian shine through in their unwavering commitment to their faith, even when faced with challenges and adversity. The transformative experience of being “born again” creates a resolve to live in accordance with Biblical beliefs and principles, regardless of the difficulties encountered along the way.


If you find yourself experiencing these signs and changes in your life, it’s an indication that you are growing in your relationship with God. However, if you have doubts or questions, contact us. We will be glad to assist and provide guidance on your spiritual journey.


Steer Clear of Divorced and Estranged Pastors

Steer Clear of Divorced and Estranged Pastors

Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife” – 1 Timothy 3:2 (ESV)

Choosing your pastor carefully is a decision of profound significance that can shape your spiritual journey and the direction of your faith community. The role of a pastor extends beyond mere sermon delivery. Pastors serve as spiritual guides, mentors, and leaders who influence your understanding of God’s Word and your relationship with Him. A well-chosen pastor can inspire, challenge, and support you as you navigate life’s challenges and seek spiritual growth. It is essential to consider his character, doctrine, leadership style, and ability to foster a healthy and nurturing church environment. Your pastor should align with biblical beliefs, reflect the values the Bible holds dear, and demonstrate a genuine commitment to serving and shepherding the congregation. Making this decision thoughtfully and prayerfully can lead to a fruitful and enriching spiritual journey under the guidance of a pastor who genuinely cares for your well-being and seeks to lead you closer to God.

“Above reproach”

When a leader is described as being “above reproach,” it means they are free from any serious or valid accusations that could tarnish their reputation or credibility. This qualification extends to various aspects of a leader’s life, including his marital relationship. It implies a life characterized by genuine virtue, integrity, and godliness that should clearly be reflected in his marriage.

“Husband of one wife”

The Greek wording μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρα that has been translated “husband of one wife” emphasizes the idea of a leader being devoted to one woman. The wording can be more accurately translated as a “one woman man” or “a man of one woman.” The implication is that a potential church leader should have a history of being committed to a single spouse and should not be involved in divorce, polygamy, or extramarital relationships.


Despite the clear Biblical directive in 1 Timothy 3:2 that pastors, deacons, and overseers should be “above reproach, the husband of one wife,” many church leaders and congregations have ignored this standard, compromising the integrity of leadership roles within the church. This oversight has led to a weakening of moral authority and a disconnection between the leader’s teachings and his personal conduct.

Delving into the reasons behind this requirement sheds light on its relevance, its underlying principles, and its implications for church leadership.

  1. Moral Integrity and Faithfulness

One of the fundamental principles behind the requirement that a church leader be the husband of one wife is the emphasis on moral integrity and faithfulness. Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, symbolizing commitment, loyalty, and exclusivity. By adhering to this requirement, the Bible emphasizes the importance of maintaining a high standard of moral conduct.

A church leader who is faithful to their spouse demonstrates qualities of trustworthiness, loyalty, and self-control. Such qualities are essential for anyone entrusted with spiritual leadership and guidance. The requirement serves as a safeguard against potential moral failings that could undermine the leader’s credibility and hinder his effectiveness in shepherding the congregation.

  1. Role Modelling and Family Leadership

The husband of one wife criterion also underscores the significance of role modelling and family leadership. Church leaders are not only spiritual guides but also examples for the congregation in various aspects of life, including marriage and family dynamics. A leader’s ability to maintain a healthy and committed marriage can inspire others to emulate similar values in their own relationships.

Moreover, effective leadership within the church often begins at home. A leader who demonstrates a strong and loving marital relationship is likely to extend those qualities to their leadership role, fostering an environment of care, unity, and support within the church community. The requirement encourages leaders to prioritize their family life as a foundational element of their overall leadership.

  1. Minimizing Distractions and Conflicts

The requirement that a church leader be the husband of one wife also seeks to minimize distractions and conflicts that could arise from polygamous relationships or past marriages. Multiple marriages or relationships can introduce complexities, potential conflicts of interest, and emotional burdens that might divert a leader’s focus from their responsibilities within the church. Church leaders should be as focused as a laser beam on their biblical roles, not juggling romantic dramas like they’re in a soap opera.

By adhering to the husband of one wife criterion, church leaders can better devote their time, energy, and attention to serving and guiding the congregation without becoming entangled in relational challenges that could hinder their effectiveness.

  1. Cultural and Practical Considerations:

Cultural contexts play a role in interpreting and applying biblical principles. The husband of one wife requirement played a role in influencing the prevailing cultural norms and practices of the time. In the ancient world, as is the case in many African communities, polygamy was more prevalent, and this requirement served to distinguish Christian leaders from prevailing cultural practices while maintaining a high moral standard.


The role of a pastor within a congregation is one of profound responsibility, influence, and spiritual guidance. As believers seek spiritual nourishment and direction, it becomes essential to consider the character and conduct of those who assume leadership positions within the church. A particularly concerning trait that should give pause to congregants is when a pastor displays antagonism and hostility toward his own wife. When he’s handing out hostility instead of blessings to his own wife, it’s time for the congregation to put their ‘amens’ on hold and raise an eyebrow instead!

Church leaders are called to be examples to their flock, modelling Christ-like behaviour in their personal lives. An antagonistic pastor contradicts the virtues of humility, patience, and compassion that are vital in shepherding God’s people. When a pastor cannot maintain a harmonious relationship with his own spouse, it raises questions about his ability to lead and guide others toward spiritual maturity and healthy relationships.

Antagonism in a marital relationship often signifies a breakdown in communication and conflict resolution skills. These are critical abilities for any pastor who must mediate conflicts within the congregation and offer guidance for resolving personal and relational issues. A pastor who struggles with these skills in his own marriage cannot provide effective pastoral care to church members.


The requirement that a church leader be the husband of one wife carries multifaceted significance rooted in moral integrity, role modelling, family leadership, and practical considerations. It underscores the importance of maintaining a strong and committed marital relationship, setting an example for the congregation, and minimizing potential distractions. By adhering to this requirement, church leaders uphold a standard of faithfulness and devotion that aligns with the biblical principles of moral conduct and effective leadership.

The role of a pastor is not merely to teach and preach but to embody the teachings of Christ through their character and conduct. An antagonistic pastor contradicts the fundamental principles of love, unity, and respect that the Bible upholds for marriage and leadership. Choosing a pastor who models a harmonious and loving relationship with his wife is essential for fostering a healthy church environment, nurturing spiritual growth, and exemplifying the transformative power of Christ’s love. Congregants must exercise discernment and prioritize leaders who embody the values they seek to cultivate within the church community.


Beyond the Surface: Understanding Jeremiah’s True Success

Beyond the Surface: Understanding Jeremiah's True Success

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” – Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

Jeremiah, the ancient prophet, stands as a poignant example of a figure whose life and ministry were marked by a lack of visible success in the eyes of his contemporaries. Despite his unwavering commitment to delivering God’s messages, Jeremiah faced rejection, persecution, and constant opposition. His prophecies of impending doom and calls for repentance were often met with indifference or hostility, leaving him isolated and disheartened. Yet beneath the surface of his seemingly unfruitful endeavours lay a profound impact that would echo through the ages. Jeremiah’s unwavering faith, resilience, and obedience to God’s calling inspire us to redefine our understanding of success. His legacy teaches us that true success may not always be immediately visible but lies in the transformative power of a life lived in faithful service to a higher purpose, leaving a lasting imprint on hearts and minds for generations to come.

Conventional success

I’ve worked for years in Christian ministries, and I know that there is a strong emphasis within these organizations on visible success in ministry. This visibility is measured by numerical growth, financial prosperity, and popularity. While these indicators can signify positive aspects of a ministry’s outreach, they should not be the sole measure of success. The pursuit of visible success has led some churches and ministries to prioritize attracting larger congregations and accumulating resources over deeper spiritual growth and genuine discipleship. This focus on numbers and material achievements inadvertently overshadows the core values of the Gospel. It also creates pressure on the organization’s leaders to project an image of prosperity rather than address real-life challenges and foster authentic connections.

By today’s ministerial standards, Jeremiah was a failure. His warnings and counsel did not have a significant influence on the political decisions made by the kings and rulers of his time. Despite his earnest appeals for repentance and divine guidance, the leaders of Judah remained stubborn in their ways, disregarding his prophetic messages. Instead of heeding Jeremiah’s cautionary words about the consequences of disobedience, they chose to trust in their military strength and alliances with foreign powers. The prevailing attitude towards Jeremiah’s prophecies was one of skepticism and disbelief, leading to the continuation of policies that ultimately led to the downfall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile. It was only in retrospect, after the tragic events unfolded, that the weight and truth of Jeremiah’s words became evident, underscoring the profound impact of his message beyond the limitations of his immediate audience.

True success

The concept of true success varies significantly depending on one’s values, beliefs, and worldview. If we are referring to the lack of conventional success experienced by a historical or biblical figure like Jeremiah, it can offer some insights into alternative measures of success beyond material wealth or societal recognition.

  1. Spiritual Fulfilment:

True success is linked to one’s spiritual growth, moral uprightness, and connection to God’s purposes. Jeremiah’s life, as depicted in the Bible, exemplifies a commitment to his faith and the fulfillment of his prophetic calling even amidst challenges and opposition.

  1. Moral Integrity:

True success is seen in how a person adheres to his or her moral principles and ethical values even when it means facing hardships or going against societal norms. Jeremiah’s steadfastness in speaking the truth, even when it was unpopular, highlights the importance of staying true to one’s convictions.

  1. Impact on Others:

True success is measured by the positive impact a person has on the lives of others and their community. Jeremiah’s prophetic messages were intended to guide and warn his people, reflecting a concern for their well-being and spiritual growth.

  1. Resilience and Perseverance:

True success is found in the ability to face adversity with resilience and perseverance. Despite experiencing rejection and persecution, Jeremiah continued to carry out his mission, demonstrating determination in the face of challenges.

  1. Eternal Perspective:

The Gospel emphasizes an eternal perspective on success, focusing on a life and purpose beyond this world. Jeremiah’s actions are part of a larger divine plan even if the immediate outcomes weren’t as visible or appreciated during his lifetime. Jeremiah’s lack of conventional success in his time did not diminish the significance of his actions, teachings, and impact on later generations.


Delving into the depths of Jeremiah’s life and message reveals a profound understanding of true success that transcends conventional measures. We witness true success in Jeremiah’s unwavering commitment to his divine calling, his unyielding faithfulness to God’s Word, and his genuine love and compassion for his people. We conclude that true success emerges from a life lived in alignment with God’s will and purpose even in the face of opposition, rejection, and suffering.

As we apply the profound lessons from Jeremiah’s life, let us remember that our ultimate success lies in faithfully serving our Creator and standing firm in the face of adversity. In this pursuit, we will find the true essence of success and experience the fulfillment that comes from living in harmony with Christ.


How the “Prophetic” Tore My Family Apart

How the “Prophetic” Tore My Family Apart

“For the household gods utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies; they tell false dreams and give empty consolation. Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a shepherd” – Zechariah 10:2 (ESV)

At the heart of the charismatic movement is a significant emphasis on the prophetic dimension. Unfortunately, what we witness are deceptive and misleading predictions or claims of future events churned out in God’s Name. False prophecies can have significant consequences, sowing confusion, disappointment, and distrust among those who believe in them. People make life-altering decisions based on these erroneous predictions, only to face the harsh reality that they were misled.

My intention for this week was to delve into an analysis of the realm of the prophetic. However, as I reflected on the subject, I deemed it necessary to first share the profound impact that a false prophetic movement had on my family. Before exploring the Scriptural stand on prophecy next week, it is essential to acknowledge and understand the havoc caused by misleading and deceptive prophecies, dreams, and visions. By doing so, we can approach the topic from a balanced perspective and learn from the experiences that shaped my family’s journey.

I am sharing my story because I am aware that countless others have been victims of the same, enduring profound losses caused by deceitful prophets and misguided prophecies.

The Allure of the Prophetic

The concept of the “prophetic” evokes visions of guidance, wisdom, and divine revelation. However, in some instances, the pursuit of prophecies and belief in their validity can lead to unintended consequences. Unfortunately, my family experienced firsthand the detrimental effects of placing blind faith in prophecies, resulting in the disintegration of family relationships.

In a world rife with uncertainty and complexity, the idea of a prophet offering insights into the future can be alluring. It provides comfort and hope, especially during challenging times when people seek reassurance about their choices and destinies.

I grew up in a family of five: two parents and three boys, with me being the eldest. Throughout their married years, my parents maintained a tense relationship. As time went on, my mother became part of a community of women who identified themselves as “servants” of God, believing they were divinely called to serve Him. I now consider this group to be a cult. Among other things, they claimed to possess prophetic abilities that could reveal hidden truths and navigate one toward a better life.

Erosion of Rationality

Over time, the belief in the prophetic grew stronger within this cult. Practical considerations were disregarded in favour of “divine” visions and voices generated by the group. Rational decision-making was replaced by an unquestioning acceptance of every word uttered by the prophetesses within the group, leading to a dangerous disconnect from reality. I recall a specific incident when we were living in Mombasa. My mother was on the phone with a member of the cult, discussing their plans to pray for the sacking of a nurse at Coast General Hospital. This nurse had apparently obstructed their ministry work at the facility.

Those who dared to oppose this group were automatically labeled as being under the sway of the Devil. My dad, who held reservations about the group, warned my mother about certain practices they engaged in. In response, the group retaliated by concocting visions and dreams portraying my dad as a Devil-worshipper. They accused him of obstructing the destinies of his children for personal gain, claiming he suffered from HIV/AIDS and was draining the life force of our family members (sucking our blood in the spirit realm) to prolong his own life.

Fractured Relationships

As I previously mentioned, my parents’ relationship has always been strained, and my mother’s involvement in the cult further exacerbated the situation. Eventually, a prophecy emerged within the group claiming that God had a grand international ministry destined for my mother. This ministry was to span the entire globe and bring healing to the nations. But this ministry’s realization was being thwarted by my father’s alleged malevolent powers. The proposed solution was for my mother to separate from my dad and pursue this supposed international ministry that God had in store for her.

Second Wife

In response to what she believed was divine “prophetic” guidance, my mother abandoned her marital home, impervious to any attempts made by family members to dissuade her. Consequently, my father sought companionship elsewhere and found a caring partner who stood by him until his passing.

My mother made significant efforts to sever all connections between my dad and his sons. According to her, she received divine revelations revealing that my dad was involved in immoral behaviour. She changed her narrative and now claimed that she left her marriage because dad had always been planning to kill her and bring in a new wife; hence, she had actually fled for her life. Remarkably, she managed to convince my brothers, and they completely severed all interactions with our dad until his last day on Earth.

My mother and brothers also cut off all connections with my uncles and aunts on my father’s side. Further prophetic revelations revealed that these relatives are involved in witchcraft and devil worship. Since I chose not to sever ties with my dad and his family, they included me in Satan worship revelations and subsequently disassociated themselves from me as well.

After my dad’s passing, my mother returned, asserting her claim to all of his assets as his legally wedded wife. She sought to evict my stepmother from my dad’s land in Mombasa, and the case went to court. The Chief Magistrate’s Court in Mombasa ruled in favour of my stepmother, recognizing her as the deceased’s dependent. Senior Resident Magistrate Hon J. Kassam wrote: “It therefore follows that Section 3 (5) of the Law of Succession Act being the parent law supersedes Section 37 of the repealed marriage Act. To that extent, the respondent [my step mum] is insulated under Section 3 (5) of the Law of Succession Act hence recognized as a wife for purposes of succession.”

Eventually, the courts fairly divided my dad’s assets among the five of us, including my stepmother. My stepmother received my dad’s land in Mombasa, which greatly angered my mum and brothers. Presently, my stepmother resides safely on the farm in Mombasa. My mum and brothers continue to keep their distance from us and, despite the court’s decision, persist in their efforts to find legal loopholes to remove my stepmother from the land.


The allure of the prophetic can be captivating, offering hope and direction in uncertain times. However, our family’s tragic experience serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating how misplaced faith in prophecies can wreak havoc on lives and relationships. Our family journey through spiritual ruin, fractured relationships, and loss of opportunities should teach us all the importance of critical thinking and individual responsibility. It is crucial to approach prophecies with critical thinking, discernment, and a healthy dose of skepticism to safeguard ourselves and others from the detrimental effects of false or inaccurate information.