
Lessons from a Flawed Military Commander

Lessons from a Flawed Military Commander

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?” – Matthew 16:26 (ESV)

Modern churches, in their sermons, prioritize financial, career, and social accomplishments above developing strong Christian character. This emphasis on success obscures the essential focus on living an exemplary life grounded in faith and virtuous character. This subtle shift in priorities leads Christians to prioritize personal ambition over living a life that aligns with the teachings of Christianity. This trend is increasingly evident across many contemporary churches, making it crucial for us to reflect on the true meaning of faith and ensure we remain true to the principles of the Gospel.

Consider the quotes below from prominent Christian leaders to grasp how far we have deviated from the true focus of the Gospel:

God wants you to prosper in every area of your life. He wants you to have more than enough, so you can be a blessing to others.” – Joel Osteen
Your breakthrough is directly connected to your giving. The more you give, the more you will receive. God wants to bless you abundantly!” – Creflo Dollar
Financial prosperity is a sign of God’s favor. If you’re not wealthy, you need to examine your faith and see what’s blocking your blessings.” – Kenneth Copeland
God has a great plan for your financial success. Trust in Him, sow your seeds of faith, and watch Him multiply your harvest!” – T.D. Jakes
Your faith is the key to unlocking wealth and abundance. Believe, speak positive affirmations, and claim your prosperity!” – Joyce Meyer

Gone are Biblical teachings that touch on humility, compassion, love for others, and the pursuit of righteousness. These teachings are meant to shape us into the image and character of Christ and focus on our relationship with God and the well-being of our fellow human beings. When churches prioritize material success above these fundamental teachings, they distort the true essence of Christianity.

What is character?

Character is the sum of one’s moral and ethical qualities, values, and principles. It is what defines a person’s integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. Character best reflects one’s spiritual condition. It determines how one relates to others, handles challenges, and makes decisions. Christian character is the result of repentance and belief in Christ that result in consistent righteous habits and choices over time.

Godly Christian character refers to the qualities and virtues that reflect the nature and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is the transformation of an individual’s heart and mind through the power of the Holy Spirit, resulting in a life that aligns with God’s will and brings glory to Him. Developing godly character is a lifelong journey for Christians as they seek to grow in their relationship with God and strive to live in a manner that honours Him.

The story of Joab in the Bible is a cautionary tale that warns against prioritizing material, professional, and social success over character. Joab was a prominent military leader and commander in the kingdom of Israel. His life was intertwined with the reigns of King David and King Solomon, and his actions left an indelible mark on the nation’s history.

The Rise to Power

Joab, a son of Zeruiah, David’s sister, emerged as a central figure during David’s ascent to the throne. He played a pivotal role in David’s military successes, including the conquest of Jerusalem, which became the capital city of Israel. Joab’s military prowess and leadership skills were evident from the early days as he commanded David’s army and orchestrated strategic campaigns against their enemies. He exhibited unwavering loyalty to David which would define his relationship with the king throughout their lives.

Military Achievements

Joab’s military exploits were numerous and noteworthy. He played a crucial role in establishing Israel as a dominant force in the region, securing its borders, and expanding its territories. He led the Israelite army to victory against various enemies, including the Philistines, the Ammonites, and the Edomites. Joab’s cunning tactics, strategic acumen, and fearless nature made him a formidable military commander. Under his leadership, Israel’s military strength and influence grew significantly, solidifying its position as a regional power.

Loyalty and Controversy

While Joab was a success in his military career, he exhibited deep character flaws. Perhaps the most notable incident was his involvement in the death of Abner, a military commander who had defected to David’s side. Joab harbored a deep personal grudge against Abner and saw his allegiance to David as a threat. In a deceitful act, Joab invited Abner to a private meeting and stabbed him to death.

Joab also murdered Amasa, another military commander, who was a nephew of David and had replaced Joab as the commander of David’s forces. When Amasa failed to gather troops promptly for an expedition against the rebel Sheba, Joab saw an opportunity to regain his position and power. In 2 Samuel 20, Joab killed Amasa by stabbing him, reclaiming his role as the commander of David’s army.

Joab also conducted the unauthorized killing of Absalom. During the rebellion of David’s son Absalom, Joab was instructed by David to deal gently with Absalom. However, Joab disregarded these orders and, after Absalom was caught in a tree, personally thrust three javelins into him, causing Absalom’s demise (2 Samuel 18:14–15).

Another controversial event in Joab’s life was his involvement in the death of Uriah the Hittite, the husband of Bathsheba. David had committed adultery with Bathsheba and, to cover up his sin, ordered Uriah to be placed on the front lines of battle, ensuring his death. Joab carried out this order without hesitation despite the morally dubious situation. This incident raised questions about Joab’s integrity and shows his willingness to blindly follow orders.

Downfall and Legacy

Despite his military successes and loyalty, Joab’s life ended in a tragic and complicated manner. Towards the end of David’s reign, tensions arose between Solomon and his older brother, Adonijah, who sought to seize the throne. Joab supported Adonijah’s claim despite God having chosen Solomon to lead Israel (the story is found primarily in the books of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles). This led to a confrontation with Solomon. Recognizing the threat that Joab posed, Solomon ordered his execution. Joab’s death marked the end of an era, as he was one of the last remaining figures closely associated with David’s reign.

Joab’s story serves as a reminder of the dangers of a deficient character in spite of material and career success. It prompts us to reflect on the importance of Christian character, even in the face of conflicting loyalties. Someone once said that success is not about what you achieve but about the person you become in the process.

Lessons Learned

The pursuit of success without godly character can indeed lead to disastrous consequences. While the world may applaud material achievements or professional accomplishments, the absence of godly character can undermine the very foundations of true success.

Without godly character, success can become hollow and meaningless. The absence of integrity, humility, and compassion leads to moral decay, damaged relationships, and a loss of purpose. True success lies not so much in external accomplishments but in the development of a strong character rooted in godly principles.

Ultimately, true success is not measured solely by external achievements but by the alignment of one’s life with godly principles and character as outlined in Scripture. A holistic and enduring success is built on a foundation of integrity, love, compassion, humility, and a commitment to pursuing righteousness. By seeking godly character alongside our endeavours, we can experience more meaningful and fulfilling success that brings blessings not only to ourselves but also to those around us.


As a loyal military commander, Joab contributed significantly to Israel’s rise as a regional power. However, his sinful actions, motivated by personal vendettas and unquestioning loyalty, cast a shadow over his legacy. Joab’s story serves as a reminder that success must be balanced with integrity and ethical decision-making. By examining Joab’s life, we gain insights into the challenges we face daily and the profound impact our decisions and actions can have on the course of our lives.